Our mission:

We are a Christ-centered ministry devoted to ending abortion, helping mothers who have experienced abortion find healing, mentoring mothers who choose life, and offering a place for preborn babies to be honored.

Meet our founder

Nice to meet you! My name’s Tori Shaw, and I’m a Jesus lovin’ homeschool momma with 4 kiddos!

God began this ministry 23 years ago when I got pregnant at 16 and decided to have an abortion. I felt all the feelings of uncertainty, fear and shame.

Bryan, my boyfriend at the time, and I have now been married 19 years. And by the grace of God, I’ve experienced healing and freedom from my abortion.

I started Not Forgotten Ministries to help other women experience the same love and forgiveness that God so abundantly offers all of us. 

Shop Tori’s books:

Lead With Love

Lead with Love is designed to share respectful and loving techniques for communicating with someone who has an abortion in their past, ministering to someone considering abortion, as well as discussing the topic of abortion in general. Upon completing this book, the reader will understand the impact for life that is possible if we, the pro-life movement, embrace a Christlike approach in the fight against abortion. If we seek God’s help and lead with love, women and families will find healing after abortion, the truth about abortion will be exposed, lives will be

I Had A Secret for Seventeen Years

 I Had A Secret for Seventeen Years is the redemptive life story of Tori Shaw, centered around her abortion as a teenager. She spent years covered by guilt and shame while enduring continual abandonment and rejection. Childhood experiences taught her to hide hardship, so she silently dealt with depression, fear, anxiety, self-loathing, and addictions. After hiding her dark secret for seventeen years, Tori shares her story with the world. A woman who once walked in fear and self-doubt is now willing to go wherever God wants her to go. Through Tori’s story, God builds a ministry that helps abortion-minded women choose life for their babies and shares God’s forgiveness and love with post-abortive women. I Had a Secret for Seventeen Years enables the reader to see a post-abortive woman come full circle and embrace the world of possibilities God makes available to those who are willing.

Free Indeed

Tori decided to step out of hiding one day after a loving friend shared her own abortion story. She then invited God to heal her wounded heart, eventually turning what she experienced into a message—a Free Indeed message of forgiveness and healing for you.

With deep empathy and profound biblical insights, through this workbook, Tori invites you on a 10-week interactive healing journey. She inspires you to embrace the truth that sets you free from soul wounds following abortion.

Meet our board

Barbara Bollman

Board Chair

North Carolina

Jodi Kelsey


Amy Martin

North Carolina

Aaron Johnson

North Carolina

Bettina Di Fiore


Charity Bettis
